Same Day Courier Services in NYC

We provide fast & reliable pickup & delivery services within the tri-state (NY,NJ,CT) area.

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Our Solution

A Reliable Delivery Service You Can Trust

Same Day Delivery

Local Messenger

Rush Delivery

White Glove

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Why Choose First Choice Courier Service

We pride ourselves in giving you the best courier service delivery. Looking for uniformed courier service marked by: professionalism, reliability, dependability, safety & experience, you can count on us to handle your deliveries in a timely manner.

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You name it we carry it, anywhere, anytime, 24/7 service guaranteed!

Whether you need immediate delivery of critical legal documents or tactful delivery of sensitive medical records and materials, our fleet can handle deliveries of any kind. When you schedule your shipment with us, you'll know exactly what to expect: upstanding professionals and uncompromised quality. Our drivers are uniformed and equipped with a company phone with GPS tracking.

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